What is metatarsalgia?
Metatarsalgia refers to a group of conditions which cause pain in the ball of the foot. This can include:
- Capsulitis – This condition causes damage and inflammation of the joint capsule, commonly affecting the second toe joint. Pain and swelling will be present on the underside of the joint where the metatarsal meets the toe in the ball of the foot (metatarsal-phalangeal joint).
- Morton’s neuroma – This is where thickened tissue develops around the nerve running between the long metatarsal bones on the foot – commonly the 3rd and 4th metatarsals. Shooting, stabbing, burning pain can be experienced, along with numbness and swelling.
- Bursitis – This condition occurs when the fluid-filled sacs (bursa) that cushion the joints of the ball of the foot become painful and swollen.
- Turf toe – This is characterised by damage to the ligaments running under the big toe. You will experience pain, swelling and tenderness. This can be exacerbated when bending the toe.#
What causes metatarsalgia?
Pain on the ball of the foot is often caused by too much pressure placed on the ball of the foot. However, there are other factors that can increase your risk of developing metatarsalgia:
- Wearing inappropriate footwear – This could refer to shoes that are too small or tight, increasing the amount of pressure on the forefoot or those which lack the right amount of cushioning to protect the ball of the foot.
- Excessive use of the foot, whether that’s standing for too long, walking long distances or engaging in sports activities.
- Foot deformities causing secondary effects e.g. toe deformities.
- Altered foot biomechanics (how the foot functions and moves).