What is big toe pain?
When we talk about big toe pain, we usually mean pain, stiffness or discomfort that applies primarily to the big toe on either foot, and not the other toes or the ball of the foot.
What causes big toe pain?
There are a number of things that can cause big toe pain. Naturally, if you stub your toe, drop something on it or otherwise injure your toe, pain is a common consequence. But what about big toe pain that has no apparent cause?
First metatarsal-phalangeal joint osteoarthritis (1st MTPJ OA)
One of the most common causes of big toe pain or stiffness is osteoarthritis. The big toe joint plays a significant role when we walk, and as a result, it bears a great deal of weight and mechanical stress throughout daily life. Osteoarthritis develops when the cartilage at the joint begins to degenerate (wear and tear) and the joint space becomes narrowed. This causes the pain and stiffness we associate with osteoarthritis.
What causes 1st MTPJ OA?
1st MTPJ OA develops as a result of gradual wear and tear of the protective cartilage that surrounds the bones which form the big toe joint. As the cartilage wears away, the joint space between the two bones of the big toe joint becomes more narrow, which causes the joint to become more restricted. There are multiple reasons why you might develop 1st MTPJ OA. These include:
- Secondary arthritis from a previous injury or medical condition e.g., a fracture or gout
- Foot anatomy or altered foot mechanics – varying anatomical alignment or how the foot moves and functions can increase your risk of developing OA
- Genetics
- Lifestyle